Teen Rehabilitation

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Types of Rehab for Teens

Drug rehab for teens is a complicated issue that requires much though, planning and time in order to ensure that teens are properly cared for and that they are provided with a level of attention and support that is beneficial to their unique needs. Because teens have many different needs on an individual and personal level, many different types of rehab for teens have evolved to ensure the utmost care, safety and security for teens that are in need of help to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction.

rehab for young people

There are different kinds of rehab centers that can help teens.

Rehab for teens is not like rehab for adults! Adults suffer from much different problems and emotional concerns than teens do and they tend to use drugs or alcohol for completely different reasons. This is why it is so important to have specialized rehabilitation programs that cater to teens and their needs. The most common types of rehab for teens include inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, long term rehab and residential rehab.

Inpatient Rehab for Teens

Inpatient rehab for teens follows a similar structure as an adult rehabilitation program but it is geared more toward the unique problems that teens may struggle with. During inpatient rehab, teens are provided with a safe, secure and controlled environment where they go through a series of detoxification, counseling and therapy effectively healing both physically and psychologically from any dependence they may have on drugs or alcohol.

There are many benefits to inpatient rehab programs for teens. Teens benefit exceptionally from the counseling that they receive in these programs and in many cases they are able to use the skills that they learn in counseling later on in life making them stronger and less likely to fall victim to addiction again. Additional benefits of inpatient rehab for teens include:

  • Medical detox in a safe environment
  • Structured programs to promote healing and learning
  • Educational programs facilitate the foundation of an education and the necessity of such to move forward in life
  • Teens can relate to others which teaches them that they are not alone and that others have similar problems
  • A sense of purpose, belonging and happiness

Outpatient Rehab for Teens

Unlike inpatient rehab for teens, outpatient rehab for teens does not provide a controlled environment to nurture the recovery process. Outpatient teen rehab centers provide limited services to teens on an outpatient basis usually either daily or weekly depending on the level of addiction the teen suffers from as well as other factors determined on an individual basis. The following teens may benefit from outpatient rehab:

  • Teens who have not been using drugs for very long
  • Teens who have already successfully completed and have been discharged from an inpatient program
  • Teens who do not use hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, prescription medications or methamphetamine
  • Teens who have a significant support system at home and who have not been mentally or physically abused in any way

For teens who fall into any one of the above situations, outpatient rehab programs can provide the counseling and educational support that can help them abstain from drug use and take control of their lives. Although outpatient teen rehab is not ideal for every situation, there are many reasons why a teen could benefit from such treatment.

Residential Rehab for Teens

Residential rehab for teens provides around-the-clock medical care, structure and security in a controlled setting. These rehab centers cater to teens who have suffered severed addiction to drugs or alcohol, those who have suffered severe physical or emotional trauma or to those who have dually diagnosed conditions such as a co-occurring mental illness in addition to addiction to drugs or alcohol. Residential rehab for teens takes teens to a more home-like setting where they can be comfortable while continuing to receive the help, support and counseling that they need to overcome addiction or mental illness.

Most residential rehab centers offer programs that range from 30 days in length up to one year with the average length of stay for a teen in a residential rehab center being 90 days. There are many benefits to this type of teen rehabilitation including:

  • Ability for parental involvement
  • Support from counselors and therapists
  • Education and training provided for life skills that carry on into adulthood
  • Safe, secure environment

Long Term Rehab for Teens

When discussing long term rehab for teens, the standard length of a program is typically at least 6 months but may last up to two full years. During long term rehabilitation, teens are provided with education, counseling, support and most of all, time to heal and recover from physical or emotional trauma, time to heal from addiction and time to regroup and get back on track.

Long term rehab programs provide a range of treatment options including family meetings and counseling, trust building activities, life skills activities, education and various workshops on addiction and recovery. For teens who have suffered severe emotional or physical trauma, the need for long term rehab may be more prevalent than for those who have suffered a minor condition or problem. The following teens benefit most from long term teen rehab programs:

  • Teens who have been to 30 or 60 day inpatient rehab and failed
  • Teens who have been to rehab multiple times
  • Teens who have relapsed many times
  • Teens who do not have support through family (such as those whose parents also suffer from addiction)
  • Teens who have been jailed as a result of their addiction
  • Teens who have suffered significant trauma such as physical or emotional abuse for a prolonged period of time