Teen Drug Rehab
Teen drug rehab is a growing industry, as teens are beginning to experiment more with drugs at ages younger and younger than before. They are also getting into more trouble as a result of their drug use.
Benefits of Teen Drug Rehab
There are many benefits of teen drug rehab. It is a way to educate teens on the dangers of drug use. Many teens begin using drugs to fill time or reduce boredom. However, these curious attempts to have fun, often lead to a lifetime of drug abuse, and frequently include the use of increasingly dangerous substances. If a teen is using drugs, teen drug rehab is a place to put a stop to the problem before it gets worse. Teen drug rehab can be a consequence of juvenile judicial systems for those teens with legal involvement due to their drug use.
How Teen Drug Rehab Differs from Adult Rehab
Often, the youngsters entering teen drug rehab, do not have the type or severity of consequences that adults in adult rehab do. Those in teen drug rehab, may not have the level of internal motivation that individuals in an adult rehab would. Adults frequently recognize how their drug use causes problems in their lives. However, some teens do not see their drug use as a problem. Often, many adolescents are in teen drug rehab programs because they were ordered to attend by the legal system, their schools, or their families. Teen drug rehabs also focus on education, as many teens are unaware of the dangers of the drugs they are experimenting with.
Inpatient Teen Drug Rehab
Inpatient teen drug rehab is a program in which in the youngster stays at the facility. This aspect of teen drug rehab includes therapy sessions while keeping the teens in a safe environment, away from any temptations or stressors. This often gives the teens an opportunity to have the drugs leave their body, and begin to regain prior functioning. This provides a structured environment for the teens to gain stability. Inpatient teen drug rehab programs can range from short term, less than one month, or long term, more than six months. Programs typically involve a family portion that allow the teens and their families to work through any problems they may be having.
Outpatient Teen Drug Rehab
Many of the activities and sessions that occur during inpatient teen drug rehab also occur in an outpatient teen drug rehab. There are often group therapy sessions, individual therapy sessions, and family therapy sessions. In the outpatient level of teen drug rehab, the teens live at home with their families, but go to the facility for scheduled sessions. This is a lower level of care that focuses on helping those in teen drug rehab to appropriately cope with issues as they come about in their lives. Outpatient teen drug rehab is a way to help teens maintain structure and stability in their daily lives.